My Jaw Resection Journey

4th Round of Chemo…

Posted on: July 17, 2012

My 4th round of chemo was back to the nasty Adriamycin/Cisplatin combo that made me so sick the first round, only this time I got a new anti-nausea patch- that looks kind of like a nicoderm patch- but works like magic.  I managed to survive without throwing up!  Little victory!  They had me so drugged I felt like I spent the weekend on a Charlie Sheen bender, but I’d much rather sleep through it, than vomit my way through the weekend.  Here’s to another round over… and 3 weeks off of chemo!

2 Responses to "4th Round of Chemo…"

You are so darn pretty.

aww Ally T Hill I love you!

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